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Die Suche lieferte 979 Ergebnisse:
Re: Das ^<v Spiel
von Lyca am 23.05.2012 19:26^ ist komisch?! ^^
< ist müde und hat keine Lust auf Schoki
v Geht übers WE weg
«When these colors fade to gray,
You're a million miles away.
Now that you've gone,
to the stars...»
Modestep ~ To the stars
Re: Assoziationskette
von Lyca am 23.05.2012 19:21Hahah Hermes =D
Blume - Stiel
«When these colors fade to gray,
You're a million miles away.
Now that you've gone,
to the stars...»
Modestep ~ To the stars
Re: Zusammengesetzte Wörter
von Lyca am 23.05.2012 19:20Erntefest - Festsumzug
«When these colors fade to gray,
You're a million miles away.
Now that you've gone,
to the stars...»
Modestep ~ To the stars
Re: X oder Y?
von Lyca am 23.05.2012 16:25Öhh gar nix von beidem weil ich das nicht kenne ;D
Fischmesser oder Käsemesser?
«When these colors fade to gray,
You're a million miles away.
Now that you've gone,
to the stars...»
Modestep ~ To the stars
Re: X oder Y?
von Lyca am 23.05.2012 13:15Sport ist gut... aber ein gegen ein gechilltes WE hab ich auch nix ;)
Touchscreen oder Tastenhandy?
Ohh wie süss *knuddl*
Edit: ..Ich glaube ich geh nicht nach Deutschland, in der Schweiz sind meine Noten perfekt ^^
«When these colors fade to gray,
You're a million miles away.
Now that you've gone,
to the stars...»
Modestep ~ To the stars
Re: Zusammengesetzte Wörter
von Lyca am 23.05.2012 13:13Syndromansatz - Ansatzleuchte
«When these colors fade to gray,
You're a million miles away.
Now that you've gone,
to the stars...»
Modestep ~ To the stars
Re: Assoziationskette
von Lyca am 23.05.2012 13:12Vampire - Blut
«When these colors fade to gray,
You're a million miles away.
Now that you've gone,
to the stars...»
Modestep ~ To the stars
Re: Assoziationskette
von Lyca am 22.05.2012 19:48Superman - Comic
«When these colors fade to gray,
You're a million miles away.
Now that you've gone,
to the stars...»
Modestep ~ To the stars
Re: Assoziationskette
von Lyca am 22.05.2012 19:09Chemielehrerin - Toll
«When these colors fade to gray,
You're a million miles away.
Now that you've gone,
to the stars...»
Modestep ~ To the stars
Re: Assoziationskette
von Lyca am 22.05.2012 18:56Deutsches Fernsehen - Komisch
«When these colors fade to gray,
You're a million miles away.
Now that you've gone,
to the stars...»
Modestep ~ To the stars